Referrals to Experts
Doula support is focused on, and adapted to, the unique needs and requirements of each family served. For a client’s needs outside of our scope of our services, we may be able to make personalized referrals to the appropriate experts and professionals to assist with their particular need, such as:
- Complementary Therapies (acupuncturists, aromatherapists, energy workers, massage therapists)
- Disposition of Belongings (Auction houses, charities, estate sale planners, real estate brokers)
- Financial/Legal (Will, Estate Planning, Financial Planning, Advance Care Planning)
- Grief Support and Spiritual Needs (Pastoral counselors, Shamans, Chaplains, Counselors, therapists, grief/bereavement counselors, local hospice, specialty support groups)
- Household Help (phone tree or online system for organizing help, cleaning services, pet care)
- In-Home Caregivers
- Funeral/Memorial Options (funeral homes, home funeral guides, cremation societies, funeral celebrants, medical schools that accept whole body donations, green burial)
- Green Burials which are a way of caring for the dead with minimal environmental impact that furthers legitimate ecological aims such as the conservation of natural resources, reduction of carbon emissions, protection of worker health, and the restoration and/or preservation of habitat. (No cement vault, no embalming, biodegradable casket or shroud, environmentally friendly landscaping and grounds-keeping, native plants and grasses).